Special Education Advisory Committee
The Education Act (Bill 107) requires that every school board have an advisory committee on services to
special needs students.
This committee is made up of people from the entire school community but parents of students who have an I.E.P. (Individualized Education Plan) must be in the majority on the committee. The committee advises the school board on the following matters:
– The policy for services given to special needs students.
– The allocation of financial resources used to provide services to special needs students.
– It may also advise the board on the implementation of an individualized education plan for specific special needs students.
This committee allows you to meet and talk with other parents who have special needs children. It also allows you to stay up-to-date on current issues concerning special education. You are welcome to voice your opinions and share your experiences.
If your son and/or daughter is handicapped, has a learning disability, or has behavioural difficulties you may want to join this committee and provide your input to the school board. The committee meets five times per year. Normally the meetings will take place in Magog and mileage will be covered. Meeting are held via videoconference when necessary (COVID-related measures, weather, etc.).
We are looking for one parent per school to be part of the committee. Applicants will be considered on a first come first served basis.
If you have questions about Special Education Services, please contact us.
Learn more about our exceptional supports for special needs.
Access additional special needs resources and registration information.